Codman Academy

Charter Public School


Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) 

Codman Academy Charter Public School is pleased to announce our participation in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the National School Lunch for Free Meal Reimbursements in School Year 2023-2024. This special provision allows our school to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost for all students. This eliminates the procedure of distributing and processing meal applications and reduces administrative and printing costs. Families also benefit from the elimination of completing and submitting meal applications.

CACPS agrees to abide by all requirements for applying and administering CEP as stated in Section 104(a) of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 amended Section 11(a)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1759a(a)(1)).


Each month, our kitchen will publish a new menu. For any questions related to our school meals or student nutrition, please email [email protected].

Junk Food Free Policy

After a two-year campaign led by students in a Nutrition Action Club at the Upper School, Codman Academy adopted a policy to become a Junk Food Free campus. Since Codman’s founding, the school has never served food or beverages high in sugar, fat or salt, but now the entire school is junk food free at all times. See our Nutritional Guide below for more details.

Awards and Recognition

In April 2011, Codman Academy was recognized by The Massachusetts Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education and Public Health at a legislative breakfast as the first and highest scoring school in the state to win the Gold-Level Massachusetts School Wellness Award for our nutrition and physical education program. Additionally, in November 2011, former Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and the Boston Public Health Commission awarded the Codman Square Health Center the First Mayoral Prize for Innovation in Primary Care for its groundbreaking partnership with Codman Academy. Our use of best practices was cited in October 2011 by Healthy Students, Healthy Schools: Guidance for Implementing the Massachusetts School Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages. In 2012, founding Wellness Director, Mbakwe Okafor, was recognized by the Boston Globe​​​​​​​ for his work on nutrition at Codman Academy.