School and Community:
- Time for Deeper Learning: Lessons from Five High Schools by the National Center on Time and Learning (2013)
- Codman Academy: Beyond the Start-up Phase (2008): Harvard Business Review case study examining the school in light of increases to state accountability standards.
- Smaller, Safer, Saner Successful Schools (2007): Excerpt is from a report written by the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, in which they highlight 22 schools from around the country.
- Effective Strategies for Home, School and Community Collaboration: A Compilation of Ideas from School Districts across Massachusetts: Excerpt is from a report written by the Title 1 Dissemination Project, Inc. Codman Academy Charter Public School is cited as an example.
Expanded Learning and Partnerships:
- Building Students’ Social Capital Onstage: Examining the Codman Academy-Huntington Theater Company Partnership (2008): Ryan Fisher, Sujey Romero, and Andy Shin
- Can Theatre Close the Achievement Gap? – The Codman Academy/Huntington Theatre Partnership (2006): Jacqueline Anne Bennett (Senior Thesis)
External Evaluations:
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: