Lower / Middle School:
At our Lower-Middle School, we prioritize using curriculum that is standards-based, rigorous and inquiry focused, grounded in our identity as an EL school. Students learn through diving deeply into topics, learning embedded standards through an intentionally focused study. We prioritize teaching topics that allow for a social justice focus, encouraging our students to ask and answer critical questions impacting our world today.
Students complete these studies through culminating projects or performance tasks, allowing for a way to share their learning in an authentic way. For example, our first graders, after learning about the importance of tools and work, created their own tools that would benefit their classroom. Our fourth graders, after learning about animal defense mechanisms, created informational books about an animal of their choice. Our eighth graders did a deep study on technology and the brain, ultimately offering essays sharing recommendations on how Codman should adjust its media policy based on their learning. Additionally, we prioritize students having the opportunity to learn through field work, emphasizing that our students can make rich connections between the content they’re learning in school and the city around them.
All students in the Lower-Middle School supplement their core content courses with specials, allowing for students to have rich exposure to the arts through movement classes, art classes, and music classes.
Upper School:
“Answers in the Toolbox,” a report by the U.S. Department of Education, notes that particularly for African American and Latino students, a strong academic curriculum is the most significant predictor of success in college. A strong academic curriculum is more significant than class rank, test scores, grade point average or socio-economic status. Based on these research findings, we require our students to fulfill the following requirements or their equivalent for graduation credit:
Course Requirements
The typical sequence of courses is:
4 years Humanities (History & Literature)
- World History and Literature I (grade 9)
- United States History and Literature I (grade 10)
- United States History and Literature II (grade 11)
- World History and Literature II (grade 12)
4 years of Math
- Algebra 1 (9th Grade)
- Geometry (9th or 10th Grade)
- Algebra 2 (10th or 11th Grade)
- Pre-Calculus (11th or 12th Grade)
- AP Calculus (12th Grade)
4 years of Lab Science
- Biology (9th Grade)
- Physics (10th Grade)
- Chemistry (11th Grade)
- AP Environmental Science (12th Grade)
2 years of Foreign Language
- Spanish I (grade 11)
- Spanish II (grade 12)
4 years Physical Education / Wellness
1 year Studio or Performing Arts
10 Enrichment credits
Field Work Requirements:
- 2 summers of approved enrichment programs with documentation
- 1 internship experience
- Additional Competency Requirements:
- Pass MCAS required tests
- Demonstrate proficiency in use of technology to achieve learning goals
- Demonstrate proficiency in writing and defending a persuasive essay
- Demonstrate proficiency in public speaking in English
- Demonstrate proficiency in financial literacy and health education by earning a passing score on the competency test
- Demonstrate leadership and service through a successful internship experience
- Complete portfolio requirements